The Launching Spot

Designed for authors
befuddled by technology.

Perfect for new authors
starting out on their
authorpreneur journey.

Spot's Choice

Designed for mid-journey authors
ready to expand their social media presence and focus on building their brand.

The Pro Spot

Designed for authors with an established brand and an active following of engaged readers.

The Custom Spot

Designed for authors with
an established brand and/or theme.

Custom designed with features tailored to an established brand’s marketing needs.

The Launching Spot features a “Hero” landing page based on the default TAS theme.

Built in the TAS Cloud, all platform plans come with their own built-in eStore.

Each eStore product page includes a
flip-book preview reader.

The Hero landing page can be configured to each author’s needs. Some popular features include: Book synopsis, author bio, booking schedule, new release announcements, and contact form.

The point-of-sale supports physical books, ebooks, and audio books.

Each platform includes promotion & marketing through the TAS social media array.

Using the TAS production studio, we create promotional audio and video for vblogging and podcasting of our member’s books.

We setup and manage it for you, so you can
focus on authoring.

So, go on and write, we’ll handle the tech.

Spot’s Choice includes all the features of the Launching Spot less the hero page, but adds special features of its own.

Spot’s Choice features a landing page or “home page” with a custom banner.

Spot’s Choice also features three dedicated pages: an author page, a book page, and a contact page.

Spot’s Choice also includes an author blog for authors who like to write.

The Pro Spot bumps platform features up to the next level.

It includes all the features of The Launching Spot, less the hero page, and Spot’s Choice, but adds a customized theme to emphasize the author’s brand.

Also included is a Gravitar account to point back to the author’s site when participating in discussions on other WordPress sites.

The Custom Spot’s title
speaks for itself.

This platform is custom designed and built to the author’s needs.

It’s a unique one-of-a-kind build for a specific author’s brand. Because of this uniqueness, a design consultation is required.

Once The Author Spot team can visualize the project’s scope, a custom quote will be offered.

Spot's A La Carte Menu

Spot’s A La Carte Menu
Upgrades & Add-Ons

Add only the features and
functions you need.

Spot-On FAQ

Jake & TJ Answer Your Frequently Asked Questions

Curious Spot

TAS Frequently Asked Questions

Including geek speak for those of you who like to take a peek under the hood.

Author Platform Plans & Pricing

Meet our authors

Author Spotlight

Hey, this is TJ. My new novel is getting so close, I can almost smell the ink drying. Currently, I’m working on the internal illustrations. Soon, I’ll document the progress in the TAS blog and vblogs. Keep an eye peeled for announcements.

TJ Culler, Author

Escape From Duda'El

Dr. Wittmann’s book, Unchained & Under Cover is in its third edition. Reader feedback is stellar. See for yourself with the links below. Currently, he is working on an audio book version that will be available soon.

Dr. SR Wittmann, Author

Unchained & Under Cover

All new authors have their moment in the spotlight right here on The Author Spot’s front page. Your book title links to your eStore and the module links to your TAS author site. Just a perk for being a TAS member.

Your Name

Your Book Title

From the Author Spot Blog

Welcome to The Author Spot

Welcome to The Author Spot

Hello. My name is TJ Culler and I’m the team-leader here at The Author Spot. The idea for The Author Spot, or TAS as we often say, came out of the frustration I and our team members experienced while trying to build our own authoring platforms. Time-and-again, we...

I Need What?

I Need What?

I Need What? In the year two thousand seventeen, I published my first book. What a feeling of accomplishment that was. It took two long years to go from a first draft to a polished second draft. Then I sent it to my editor. Lord, I was not prepared for what came back....

TAS Approved Author Resources

The Author Spot recommends the following author resources. As authors ourselves, we consider these sites and services invaluable to your authorpreneur journey.

Our praise for Literature and Latte's authoring tools Scapple and Scrivener cannot be understated. These two composition tools are a must have for every author.

Join The Author Spot on our public Facebook group: Author Symposium. In this growing community, share your authoring experiences with others to help members learn and grow.

ProWriting Aid is your personal pre-editor editor. Packed with tools for professional and first-time authors alike, this tool will help polish your manuscript before your three-cents-per-word editor ever sees it.